Security Features of Tamatem Plus: Keeping Your Transactions Safe

In the dynamic world of mobile gaming, security and convenience are paramount. At Tamatem, we understand that protecting your transactions is not just about meeting industry standards—it’s about exceeding them. That’s why Tamatem Plus has been designed with top-notch security features to ensure your payments are safe and sound.

Unparalleled Global Coverage

With Tamatem Plus, you can collect payments from over 30 countries and hold funds in more than 30 currencies. Our platform accepts various payment methods, including cards, eWallets, and even cash, giving you more choices and flexibility. This global reach ensures that no matter where you are, Tamatem Plus has you covered.

Advanced Security Measures

We employ cutting-edge security technologies to protect your data. Our platform uses encryption to secure all transactions, safeguarding your financial information from potential threats. Additionally, Tamatem Plus integrates with top-tier fraud detection systems to monitor and prevent suspicious activities, providing you with peace of mind every time you make a payment.

Embedded Fintech Solutions

Tamatem Plus offers direct API integration, providing a seamless and secure payment experience. Our out-of-the-box solution and eCommerce payment plugins are designed to simplify the payment process while maintaining the highest security standards. With embedded fintech solutions, you can rest assured that your transactions are protected from start to finish.

Control Your Money with Confidence

Our one API-based solution allows you to accept and receive money globally through a single connection. This means you can replace multiple bank accounts, processors, and local payment providers with just one partner—Tamatem Plus. This streamlined approach not only simplifies your financial operations but also enhances security by reducing the points of vulnerability.

Simpler Expansion with Flexible Options

Expanding your reach has never been easier. With Tamatem Plus, you have access to an entire payment network through a single API connection. This flexibility allows you to reach more global customers while maintaining tight security controls. Whether you’re a small developer or a large enterprise, Tamatem Plus provides the tools and security features you need to grow confidently.

At Tamatem, we prioritize your security so you can focus on what matters most—enjoying your gaming experience. With Tamatem Plus, secure transactions are not just a feature; they are a guarantee. Choose Tamatem Plus for flexible options, simpler expansion, and the confidence that your transactions are always safe.