Why Tamatem Plus for MENA Mobile Games?

At Tamatem Games, we’ve been building bridges between mobile gamers and developers for almost 10 years. That’s taught us a thing or two about the MENA mobile gaming market. The gamers around here are diverse and plenty: you’ve got your farming-obsessed crew of teitas, your tactical deathmatch esports squad, your 30-second puzzle aficionados, and everyone in between. Revenues for mobile gaming in the region are expected to exceed $5 billion by 2025, and mobile game download rates are some of the highest in the world.

So what’s stopping the region from being the hotbed for mobile gaming? Our awkward mobile payments situation. There are just too many that are unbanked and cardless in MENA, making the purchase of virtual goods impossible to most mobile gamers across the region. Top international game developers looking to launch in the MENA region for the first time are struggling to figure out just how this setup works, and how they’re going to be charging and collecting payments from gamers.

With this in mind, we launched Tamatem Plus as a one-stop-shop mobile gaming platform designed and built with MENA gamers in mind. It’s the region’s largest payment and distribution platform for mobile games, and here’s how it’ll bring your game to every MENA mobile:

1. All the Payment Methods Your Heart Desires 

What do someone who doesn’t have a credit card, someone who doesn’t have a bank account, and someone who just got their first smartphone have in common? They can all play Tamatem’s Battle of Kings and choose to pay for their in-game loot however they want. How? Through Tamatem Plus, which features the largest and most accessible payments network in MENA by far, covering 80% of the region geographically.

Players can top up their Tamatem Plus wallets through one of our 25+ payment solutions and spend their coins in any game available on the Tamatem platform. They can pick their favorite payment method from cash top-ups and bank transfers to direct carrier billings, e-and-m-wallets, and cards. 

2. Integrate Without a Glitch

A perk of working with the leading mobile games publisher in MENA is just how convenient the process of publishing your mobile game in the region really is. 

With the payments issue already taken care of, the fastest way to bring your mobile game to MENA is to seamlessly integrate it on our platform through APIs or SDKs that we’ll provide. Once you use your preferred method of integration, your game will be live, climbing the regional rankings, and generating revenue faster than you can say Tamatem Plus.

3. We Know MENA Mobile Gamers

Launching a mobile game in the region with Tamatem Plus guarantees a partnership with the leading regional player who understands and engages with millions of mobile gamers across MENA. 

After almost a decade in the business, we know what makes MENA mobile gamers tick. We understand their habits and incentives, offering the most in-depth localization of mobile games in the Arab world. We can make sure the game not only speaks the language, but aligns with social cues, cultural elements, and local pop culture. What does the region like to play, and what is everyone willing to spend on? How much are they willing to pay, and what channels can they access to complete the transaction? When are they online? What type of ads convert? These, and many more, are questions we not only answer, we also use them to curate a mobile gaming experience tailored specifically to the Arab mobile gamer.

4. Proudly Priced Better Than the Alternatives

Many consumers across MENA are cost-sensitive. A few cents for an in-game purchase can mean the difference between an obsessed gamer and an uninterested passerby. But, we know that a large factor in pricing for mobile games and in-game purchases are the hefty cuts web stores take from the revenue stream.

With Tamatem Plus, you not only access an untapped gaming market and distribute massively thanks to our payments network, you do it with significantly lower fees than that of other web stores. This translates into higher profit margins, which (we hope) also means better pricing for MENA gamers.

5. Leave the Traffic to Us

So you’ve developed a new mobile game and you’re considering a MENA market launch. Even if you find a way to collect payments yourself, you’ll still need to spend millions on promotional marketing in a new region and hope your game resonates with a foreign crowd.

With Tamatem Plus, you can tap into our huge user base of mobile gamers and guarantee traffic to your game. We’ve published more than 50 games spanning various genres, collecting more than 150 million downloads across iOS and Android devices. We have 1 million active monthly users enjoying Tamatem games, and they’re always on the lookout for our latest releases. With our already-established community of mobile gamers, you’re pretty much guaranteed conversions from the get-go.

If you’ve got any questions, are curious to learn more, or would like to inquire about Tamatem Plus, go ahead and get in touch. MENA awaits!